What Children Need Most

This week I want to focus on what I consider to be the most important thing a child needs as their parent disciples them; an authentic example. Notice I did not say a perfect example. You are not Jesus, he is our perfect example. What our children need is to see someone who is genuinely trying to follow Jesus. After all they can’t see Jesus, but they can see us as we seek to follow Him. 

As you set this authentic example here are three things to show your children:

Your Flaws- 
For most of us this isn’t something we will have to work hard on. We are all flawed. Your kids probably know better than anyone what your flaws are.  The part we need to show our children is how we respond when we mess up. We shouldn’t cover up, ignore, or burry the problem. Our kids need to see us own our mistakes and seek to make them right.

Your forgiveness- 
Asking for our kids forgiveness should become a normal thing. This can be a challenge for any  parent. After all, we don’t want anyone to wrong our children. So, to admit to ourselves that we wronged our own children in a comment we made or an action we did is tough. Then we need take the extra step to humble ourselves before our children and say “I’m sorry”. It’s beyond what the average parent is willing to do. But I want to challenge you to not be “normal” or “average” and ask your child for their forgiveness when you wrong them.

Your children should also see you extending forgiveness generously. People wrong us all the time in big and small ways. Your extension of grace and forgiveness, just as you have been forgiven by Christ, will give you kids a tangible picture of Jesus. 

Your faithfulness-
Do your children see your faithfulness in your relationship with Christ. Do they see you talk and listen to God?
Do your children see your faithfulness in your connection to Christian community? Do they see you involved in a life group or serving team? Or do they see your interactions with the church as something you do only when it is convenient?
Do your children see you faithfulness when life is going good?
Do your children see your faithfulness when your life is falling apart? 
God is faithful and your children will learn much about his faithfulness through the faithfulness they see in you.  

I pray that God blesses you and your children as you lean into this role of being the primary disciples of your children. 
