Gracism: The Art of Inclusion

Gracism is a word coined by and a book written by Dr. David Anderson. Gracism comes from the merging of two words. Racism means to speak, act or think negatively because of someone's color, class or culture. Grace is God's undeserved and unearned favor that he extends to man and cannot be repaid. 

So when the negativity of racism meets the positivity of grace the new concept and word of gracism is formed. GRACISM means extending positive favor to other people regardless of, and sometimes because of, their color, class, or culture.

In the book Gracism, Dr. Anderson unpacks the 7 sayings of a gracist that are found in 1 Corinthians 12. The book is a must-read. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE IT NOW! 

The Seven Saying of a Gracist:
-I will lift you up- lifting up the humble among us by assisting and elevating them toward success
-I will cover you- protecting the most vulnerable among us from embarrassment and harm
-I will share with you- opening up networks and resources to others who are systematically downtrodden, and refusing special treatment that may hurt them
-I will honor you- recognizing those who are the most humble heroes among us regardless of 
color, class, and culture
-I will stand with you- committing to stand with the weak… and the majority committing to stand up for, and with, the minority
-I will celebrate with you- rejoicing when the humble and less fortunate among us are helped

Anderson, D. D. A. (2010). Gracism: The Art of Inclusion. IVP Books.
