Mosaix- National Multi-ethnic Church Conference

I am excited to be attending Mosaix's National Multi-ethnic Church Conference, November 5th-7th in Dallas, TX. I am eager to learn from experts that I have looked up to for years including, John Perkins, David Anderson, Mark Deymaz, Albert Tate, Miles McPherson, and many more. The opportunity to be with like-minded leaders who want to see unity in the church like Jesus prayed for in John 17 is sure to be a powerful thing. I know time is short, but it is not too late to join. You can click below to go to Mosaix's website to register. I have included most of the details below. If you are unable to attend. Check back on this site ( the week after the conference to see some of my notes and learnings.

Over 1,500 multiethnic church pioneers and practitioners – including church planters and pastors, network and denominational leaders, authors and educators – are expected to attend Mosaix’ 4th National Multiethnic Church Conference  November 5-7, 2019, in Dallas, TX.

This triennial event is among the most anticipated, exciting and encouraging pastoral leadership conferences of the year! Plan now to bring your entire team, and don’t miss this next historic chance to experience the people and passion driving the Multiethnic Church Movement today!
Buy Tickets Now

The Multiethnic Church Conference is being held for only the fourth time in the United States, and for just over 48 hours will represent the epicenter of the growing Movement.

By attending, you’ll…

  • Gain personal access to the most credible and experienced multiethnic church pioneers, pastors and planters in the United States today, as well as thought-leading authors, theologians and educators; 
  • Deepen your understanding of the biblical theology, core commitments, and latest research;
  • Sharpen your skills by considering best and promising practices, as well as common obstacles and how to overcome them in order to build healthy multiethnic and economically diverse churches through planting, growth and development;
  • Tailor the experience to fit your specific interests and contextual needs through by attending pre-conference intensives, entire specialized tracks (four workshops each), individual workshops, and more;
  • Renew or establish key relationships with like-minded leaders in order to build your own multiethnic ministry “bullpen” for further connection and resourcing after the conference.

Be there to celebrate and usher in the Early Adopter Stage of the Movement as new statistics (soon to be released) will (likely) confirm that more than 20% of churches throughout the United States have reached at least 20% diversity in their attending membership.

November 5-7, 2019

Pre-conference begins at 1p • (Tuesday, Nov 5)
Main Conference begins at 6:30p • (Tuesday, Nov 5)
Main Conference ends at 4:55p • (Thursday, Nov 7)
Check out the full schedule for more information re. each day of the conference.

Northwood Church, 1870 Rufe Snow Dr., Keller (Dallas), TX 76248. 


Get current ticket pricing and register for the conference today!
