Day 9: Speaking at Chapel

Sunday was another full day. Cody spoke in the student service at Chapel at both the 9am and 11am service. I was honored to speak at the young adult service at 11am. Nevin led communion with the newly baptized children and their parents. After the service, we stayed around for a while and discussed ministry with the youth and young adult teams. 

In the afternoon we went to Pastor Faith's house for dinner. What a great afternoon of conversation and food. It was so sad to say goodbye to everyone. At 6:30pm we began our journey home. Looking back the past nine days have gone by so fast. God has worked and we have been blessed to be a part of it. 

Thank you to everyone from Nairobi Chapel that hosted us, drove us around, allowed us to be a part of your ministry, fed us, and made us feel at home. We are grateful for our time together. We will miss you all and hope to see you again soon. 

We would appreciate your prayers for safe travel back. See you soon!
