What You Do Matters!

What you do as a parent really matters. It does! You have a greater impact on your child than anyone else. All that love that you give your children, that time that you spend with them, it really matters. That patience that you muster up when they ask that same question again. That gentle reminder for 100th time. That painful time where your child was going through something and you walked through it with them. Yes even that time you instructed them that the common space in your community is not a good place to pee (boys!). It matters.

So don’t give up. Don’t let down. Press on. What you are doing is making a difference! You are shaping a young life. You are setting an example with your actions and guiding with your words. 

When your child is becoming mobile and you feel like you don’t have the energy to keep up. When your child fights you over homework, again. When your child’s schedule becomes busier than yours. When middle school changes the game. When the high school years… (I don’t know yet). Keep on, keeping on!

I know you're not perfect, because I have yet to meet a perfect parent. That’s ok. I know you want to do better. What parent doesn’t want to be a better parent? Don’t let your mistakes keep you from moving forward. Ask for forgiveness, learn, and move on. Keep going! Keeping doing the best you can, leaning on God to make up for all your short comings. After all, He is the one that is really in control. And when it seems like no one else is watching. Know that God is watching and he is for you!

Happy Mothers Day!
