Your Personal Commission- Devotional Thought

Imagine for just a minute that you are coming to the end of your life. You are on your deathbed and the people closest to you, the people that have depended on you, the people you have experienced the highs and lows of life with, are gathered around you. What would you say? What would you want to communicate in that moment knowing that it could be the last thing you ever say? In that moment, I believe that you would not waste your precious time on small talk. In that critical moment you would not focus on sports scores, the weather, or even current events. You would focus on what your highest priorities are. You have one last chance to share with your friends and family what is most important to you and what you would love to see them accomplish in their lives.

You might thank them, you might encourage them, but hopefully you would speak toward their future. You have an opportunity to give them words that they will remember beyond that moment. Words that can instruct and guide them for the rest of their life.

You see in certain circumstances words carry more weight. These circumstances bring clarity and focus.

This end of life circumstance impacts not only the words spoken, but also how the words are heard.

Now place yourself in the seat of the hearer. Your faithful friend, mentor, and leader is leaving you forever. The words they are speaking point to a future of great impact for your life. A future where your life is a continuation of their amazing life. In that moment, as a listening friend, you hang on every word. You hold on to every word so that you can live them out in your future.

This is the situation we find Jesus and the disciples in when we read what is commonly known as the Great Commission.  In Matthew 28 Jesus knows his time is short, so he communicates this important message to his followers.

Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

In the original language of this passage Jesus gives his followers one command to follow with three essential pieces to carrying out that command. The command is make disciples. Make more follower of Jesus. We might say make more fully devoted followers of Jesus. Do this by going, baptizing, and teaching.

When Jesus boiled it all down and gave his followers the end of his life talk, it was all about making disciples. That was his desire for his disciples then and that is his desire for us now.

Are you following Jesus’ call to be a disciple who makes disciples?

If so, what does being a disciple maker look like for you?

To make disciples, you need to be discipled. Write down the name of one person who is building into you spiritually. Reach out to thank them this week.

If no one is discipling you, who is one person you could reach out to who could build into you spiritually. Reach out to them this week.

Write down the name of one person whom you are feeling God calling you to go share His message with. Don’t wait, talk to them this week.
