Zootopia Family Discussion

Ok..., this is my last Zootopia/teaching your kids about prejudice post for at least a little while (maybe). 
If you missed the previous post you can check them out here:

The below discussion sheet is the a take home tool we gave to the parents at the movie event we had a few weeks back. I hope you find it helpful in talking to your kids about issues of racial prejudice. 

Zootopia Family Discussion Sheet
These discussion questions are for you to ask and answer with your kids. Stereotypes, prejudice, & biases may be hard for younger children to define as separate concepts so feel free to combine them. 

A Stereotype is… a widely held, oversimplified idea or image of a type of person. 

Example: Foxes like Nick are sly or deceitful. 

What are other examples of stereotypes that you saw in the movie?

If someone were to stereotype you, how would that make you feel?

Why do you think stereotyping people is hurtful?

How did Judy fight to overcome the stereotype about her (bunnies couldn’t be police officers)?

Prejudice is… an image or idea of a person that is made before you know them. 

Example: Bogo (the police chief)- Assumes Judy can’t do “real police” work, so he assigns her to be a meter maid. 

What are other examples of prejudice you saw in the movie?

How might you be tempted to be prejudice toward someone?

Has anyone ever been prejudice against you? 

Bias is… an attitude that always favors one way of thinking or feeling.

Example: Dr. Mole had a bias believing that all predator have the potential to go savage. 

How might you keep yourself from developing a bias against someone different than you?

Fighting against discrimination

Discrimination is.. acting on an unfair judgement of others. 

Example: Clauhauser (The chetah who worked at the front desk of the police office) was discriminated against when he lost his job because he was a predator. 

How could you stand up for someone who is not being treated fairly?

What would you do if you were the one being treated unfairly because of the color of you skin?

The importance of diverse friends

For Nick and Judy their friendship allowed them to have open conversation about their differences and to overcome hurt that was caused by Judy’s words about predators (which include foxes). 

Do you have friends that are from a different race or have a different skin color than you?

What are somethings you might be able to learn from a friend that is different than you?

What are other ways that having a variety of friends would be good for you? 
