Teaching Your Kids to Not Judge by Outward Appearance

Last week we had a family movie night at our church. The movie we showed was Zootopia, a great movies that teach a lot of good lessons about judging, bias, and stereotypes. After the movie I facilitated a short conversation with the kids in attendance about the movie. I was blown away by how perceptive the kids were. Several kids were able to clearly articulate what they learned from the movie. They learned to not judge from the outward appearance, to welcome and learn about people that are different than them, and much more. 

Below are the questions that I asked following the movie.  

What was your favorite part of the movie? Why?

What was your favorite character in the movie why?

In one sentence what was the movie about (Major Themes)? 

Did you learn anything from the movie? If so, what?

Some important lessons I see in Zootopia are:

  • Don’t Judge from outside appearance. 
  • A good friendship with someone different than you can help both friends learn and grow. 
  • You are not limited by who others say you are. 
  • You are not defined by your history.

Don't Judge From the Outward Appearance
After the opening question we stopped and watched this clip (on Netflix or Blue-ray the clip starts at: 23:54  and ends at: 26:04). And then discussed the questions below. 

What name(s) did Nick call Judy?

Why do you think he called Judy, Carrots?

What ideas had Nick made up in his mind about Judy?
(She is a naive hick, from bunny burrow that was a carrot farmer- “Bunnies are Dumb”)

What name(s) did Judy call Nick?

Why do you think she called Nick, Slick Nick?

What ideas had Judy made up in her mind about Nick?
(That he was breaking laws, That he never tried to be anything more than a hustler- “Foxes are Sly”) 

Have you ever had someone call you a name based on how you look? 

How did that make you feel?

Why is it dangerous and hurtful for us to make up names or descriptions of others based only on how they look?

Thought about judging from outward appearances:
“The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
-God speaking to the prophet Samuel in 1Samuel 16:7 

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” 
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.” 
-Jesus in John 12:24 (NIV)

Application Question:
What can you do to make sure you don’t make up a story in your mind about someone before you really know them?

  • Get to know them.
  • Be aware of your tendency to pre judge and fight the urge. 
  • Assume the best about people. 

This is a great discussion for you to have with your kids. I hope you find the questions helpful. 

Later on this week I will share a discussion guide that I made for parents to take home, so stay tuned. 
