Helping Your Child Learn to Pray

Prayer is vital to our Christian life. Prayer is our line of communication with God. Most relationships break down when communication fails. Helping children learn to have a conversation with God like He is in the room with them (because He is) is a powerful thing. 

It’s important to help children understand that prayer is a discipline; so we pray at dinner and bedtime. But prayer is also a life line so we can and should have an ongoing conversation with God. They can call on Him in good times and bad. 

An easy trap to fall in with children is for prayer to simply become a list of to do’s they have for God. Help your child understand that prayer is more than asking God to give them things. Below are 5 key components of prayer that we need to help our children include in their conversations with God. 

Thanksgiving- Thank God for all he has done for you. Thank Him for answering prayers, for caring for you, and for providing even when you don't ask. 
Praise- Celebrate God for who He is. Acknowledge his power, holiness, love, and insight. 
Confession- Acknowledging what you have done wrong and asking God for forgiveness. 
Request- Asking God to provide in your area of need. Sharing your burdens with him, because he cares and wants to intervene on your behalf. 
Listening- Pausing to allow time and space for God to reply. 

As you pray, model these kinds of prayer. Teach your children the important elements of prayer. Enjoy listening to your child communicate with their God. 
