How God Sees Your Children

In this weeks post I want to quickly share ways God sees your children and then three ways you can help you child see themselves through God’s eyes. It’s one thing for you to know how God sees your child it is altogether something else for them to live their lives knowing how God sees them. 

They are loved. God loves your children, in fact He loves your children more that you do. He created them and has sacrificed greatly so that they could be in a relationship with him. Ephesians 2:4-5

They are valued. God knows everything about your children and see them as his most valuable creation. Psalm 139:1-18

They are His. Those that have a relationship with God through Jesus are his own children. What a powerful thing it is to belong to the God of the universe, the creator of all things. 1 John 4:4

Three ways to help your children understand how God sees them:
Parental example. Live like you are loved by God, a highly valued child of the king. Then check yourself on how you treat your spouse and children. Do you treat them as people who bear God’s image, and are treasured by Him? What is one thing you can do this week to show your children how valuable they are?

Bible stories. Share examples from the Bible of people that God showed value and love to. There are numerous stories of Jesus encountering people and demonstrating his love. Here are few that you could share with your children this week. 
Zacchaeus- Jesus loves a man who people didn’t like because he was a thief and a traitor. 
Let the children come to me. Jesus scolds the disciples for not letting the children come and then speaks of the value of children. 

Life experiences. Take opportunities to show your kids what it looks like to value others like God does. Then provide your children with opportunities to do the same. An example could be how you treat a homeless person who asks you for money. I had a parent share with me that a few years back she started keeping dollar bills in her car and every time she see someone asking she gives them a dollar. When her daughter was old enough to drive she started doing the same thing. What simple yet powerful way to show that God values people so we should value people. I believe that valuing others comes from a place of feeling valued ourselves.  
