Teaching Your Chid Forgiveness

Today we are looking at another key teaching of Christ that followers of him should exemplify. This is the concept of forgiveness. You may have heard it said “To err is human; to forgive divine.” The to “err is human” part is easy to understand. We see it in ourselves and in our kids every day. Even babies have this spirit in them to go against what they should. So often a child’s first word is no. This gives us a great opportunity to teach them forgiveness at a young age.

Colossians 3:13 says, “Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.”

Example: Teaching your child about the forgiveness of God by showing them how to forgive others.

As parents we have frequent opportunities to show our kids how to forgive and ask for forgiveness. Your children should see you forgiving and asking for forgiveness from your spouse. Any normal marriage relationship requires regular forgiveness and apologies. 

Your children need your forgiveness when they have wronged you. Make it clear that while their behavior may not have been acceptable they always have your love. 

Perhaps the best way that children learn forgiveness is when a parent humbles themselves and ask the child to forgive them. There will be times when you can’t fulfill a promise, or hurt the feelings of your child. Look your child in the eyes and say, “I am sorry, will you forgive me?”

Story:  Teaching your child about God’s forgiveness by giving them a Biblical example to learn from. 

In Luke 7:36-50 we see a story where Jesus teaches about forgiveness. Jesus’ feet are being anointed with perfume by a sinful woman and the pharisees don’t like it. Jesus tells a parable that illustrates how a person who is forgiven much loves much. Through this story we see the heart of Christ shining through. He shows us that no sin is to great to be forgiven and that any reputation of sin can be washed away by his forgiveness. Because of Christ’s forgiveness that he has extended to us we “must forgive others” as it says in Col. 3:13.

Read Luke 7:36-50 with your kids and ask the:

Why did Jesus forgive this woman?

Why did the Pharisees not want Jesus to forgive the woman?

Why do you think the woman was so grateful for Jesus’ forgiveness?

Who do you need to forgive?
