Introducing Your Child To Jesus

I believe that discipleship starts at an early age with your children watching your example and learning from you. As your children get older and are able to have conversations and comprehend more, there comes a point where spiritual conversations should become a normal thing. 

One of the best conversations to have with your kids is a conversation about Jesus. I often take advantage of moments where my children are talking about Jesus or to Jesus. It might be during a meal time, after a prayer, at bed time, or in follow up to what they learned at BridgeKids on a Sunday morning. Here is the question I ask, “Tell me about Jesus”. It’s an open ended question where you can learn the details they know about Jesus. What I am looking for in this question isn’t just how much they know Jesus, but how they view and experience Jesus personally. It has amazed me how children even from a young age can have this connection with Jesus that goes beyond information. As the conversation continues I look for opportunities to share some key truths about their relationship with Jesus. 

The basics of starting a relationship with Jesus:
-God Loves you and wants to have a relationship with you. (John 3:16-17) 
-Our sin keeps us from having that relationship with God. (Romans 3:23 & Romans 6:23)
-There is nothing that we can do to fix our sin problem. (1 John 4:10)
-Jesus, God’s son, took the punishment for our sin & offers us forgiveness (Acts 13:38)
-All we have to do is accept Jesus’ forgiveness and believe in him. (Acts 16:31)
-The moment we believe we begin a new life with Jesus for eternity. (John 5:24)

Ask your child, “have you asked Jesus to forgive your sin and trusted him with your life?”

One of my favorite parts of ministry is introducing children to Jesus. But what excites me even more is for parents to introduce their children to Jesus. It will not only be a powerful moment in your child’s life, but yours as well. 

This week:
Pray for an opportunity to introduce your child to Christ this week.
Take the opportunity God gives you.
Share, in a comment on this post, what God did through your conversation.

I’m praying for you and your children.

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