Who is the Best Person to Disciple My Kid?

Discipleship is a relationship where one person passes an understanding of what it means to follow Jesus on to another through example and instruction. Everyone who is a follower (disciple) of Jesus is called to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20), pointing people to Jesus through their lives.

As parents I believe that it is our responsibility to disciple our children. In addition to it being a responsibility I believe we, parents, are in an advantageous position as the best people to disciple our own children.

 Here are 4 reasons why parents are the best people to disciple their children:
  1. It’s Gods design.  Ephesians 6:4 says, “bring them (your children) up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” Deuteronomy 6:1-9 talks about teaching your children what God says, that they may follow him. It also instructs parents to impress the commands of God upon their children’s hearts. God has established the parents role as primary discipler of their own children. 
  2. No one has a greater influence on their kids lives than parents do. Good, bad, or ugly you have the ability to impact your kids life in a deep way. Use this influence God has given you to disciple your kids. 
  3. No one will spend more time with your kids during the first 18 years of their life than you. Use your time wisely. Invest in your child’s discipleship with the end in mind. God has given you your child to raise so that one day they can leave your household and go out and impact the world in their own unique way. With that end in mind I keep track, knowing that I only have 343 weeks till my 5th grader graduates from High School. 
  4. Your child gets to see you as a living example of Christ. There is no better way to disciple someone than to have them walk through life with you seeing your good and bad moments. Your child will learn so much about Christ through watching your life and learning how to handle the challenges you face. 

In case you have not picked up on it by now, the answer to the title question, “Who is the Best Person to Disciple My Kid(s)?”, is YOU!
