Mexico, Here We Go!

The preparation time is over. We have been trained. We have packed. Now all that is left is to get on that plane and go to Mexico. Our team and families desire is that this would be so much more than just another trip. To make that happen we need your prayers. Here are somethings you can pray for:

  • PRAY that God would use us as source of encouragement to cheer on the missionaries and ministers in Mexico. That we could spur these amazing servants of God on to even greater ministry in the future. 
  • PRAY that as we do physical labor that God would be using our actions to show his love to the people we will be helping. As they look at us may they see the work of Christ. 
  • PRAY that as we build relationships through opportunities that God gives us that we would be able to speak into their lives. That God would some how use our ministry to change lives for eternity. 
  • PRAY that as we pour our selves out that God would fill us up. That He would do an amazing work in each of us. That as we minister we would be ministered to. That we would more clearly see Christ and walk more closely to him because of our time in Mexico. 
My hope is to blog daily while we are on our trip. Each trip is different and I am never quite sure how often I will be able to sit down in front of a computer, but as often as I can I will share with you what God is doing. Please check back often for updates. To learn more about our trip click here. 
