Mexico Day1

Moving dirt & rocks to fill the floor of the house
Yesterday we spent most of the day traveling. We arrived safely and our travels were very smooth. Thank you for your prayers concerning our travels.

New Friends Daniel & Jose
Today we jumped right into work at Cuna Maya. We are working on putting a floor and walls in a home for a family whose kids attend the Kingdom School. The Kingdom School is a ministry that provides additional schooling as well and english and Bible classes to the children of Cuna Maya. The students who regularly attend The Kingdom School also receive other support, like help with their home. This particular home was on a slight hill and had no floor and the walls were made of sticks. When it rains their floor would be muddy mess. So today we worked along with local workers and the family that lives in the house to work on putting in walls and a floor for the family. 
Tic Tac Toe

Today is Jacobs birthday. We are going to celebrate this evening. I will share more on that tomorrow. Both the boys enjoyed working today. They made friends with a couple of boys in Cuna Maya. They played games and worked together. The boys made parachute toys and gave them to Jake and Joel. Well that is all I have time for now. I hope to share more tomorrow. 
Jacob's new toy parachute

Ps. Sorry for any typos. The spell check is in spanish and is telling me that every word I have typed is mispelled (which it very well might be) :)

The Lady whose house we are working on
