Creating Rites of Passage for Your Children

I have had a desire for a while to create rites of passage in the lives of my children. With my oldest about to turn 10 in less than a month it is time that I put some details to my desires. Below are three reasons I believe rites of passage are important and three things I look for in a rite of passage.

  1. Rites of passage create times for life stage conversation. Depending on what life stage your child is at this conversation could help them prepare for middle school, high school, college, puberty (not necessarily in that order), or something else specific to the stage of life they are about to enter.
  2. Rites of passage allow for time for you to focus on one child for an extended amount of time. This is all about you investing in and creating something special for them. 
  3. Rites of passage allow you an opportunity to affirm your child in many ways. You should find a way to affirm who God has created them to be. Affirm their gifts and talents. Affirm their personality.

What I look for in a rite of passage:

  1. Something unique that caters to the heart of the child. What does this child love? What will bring joy to their heart? What will show your child that you delight in them?
  2. An experience that can be learned through. What will challenge and stretch this child. What barriers will need to be broken through to complete the write of passage.
  3. (For sons) An adventure, something you wouldn’t do in everyday life. Something that allows your son to explore and risk. Something that allows him to feel victorious in the end. -(For daughters) I apologize for my in ability to be able to describe this better. But as neither a mother or a daughter I am struggling with the words. My best description would be something like a fairytale where they are the lead female character.  An adventure helps her to believe that she is captivating and worth fighting for. Something that allows your daughter to see and feel her beauty.
