Leading Youth Through Racial Tension

Youth leaders play such an important role in young lives. Whether you are a mentor, youth pastor, small group leader, or Sunday school teacher you help young people interpret current events. You have great influence in the lives of young people. I wanted challenge you to use that influence at this time to play the role of Bridge-builder. By bridge builder I mean one who brings people together. You can be someone who crosses cultural divides to foster an atmosphere of unity.

I believe Jesus Christ’s presence in our lives makes a difference not only for eternity, but in this life too. I believe churches and even more specifically youth ministry have an opportunity during this time to make a difference in this world by leading in bringing people together.

Below are four actions that you do as a Bridge-Builder.

1. Take the opportunity to have open conversations about race. Don’t shy away or avoid these conversations. Discussing racial issues can be intimidating. But I want to encourage you to have these tough conversations under an umbrella of grace. Share respectfully and seek unity that comes through our relationship with Christ.

2. Promote unity in Christ, not division that can be brought about by personal opinions. Your goal is not to make sure that your students are clear on your opinion. You don’t need to highjack conversations to make sure students are coming around to your view point. Allow students to vent, ask questions, and process what is going on in the world around them with out pressuring them to be just like you. Remember that it is better to build the relationship than to fight to prove that you are right.

3. Pray with your group like Jesus did in John 17. Father make us one so that we can be an example to the world. God’s desire is for his followers be united. Unity in Christ knows no bounds.

4. Empathize with those that are in pain. Show the care and love of Christ through your actions and words. Many people across our country hurting and are fearful. Seek to understand and walk with your students through their hurt and fears. Students will follow your cues. If you care and show love not only will they feel cared for, but they will show that love and care to others. 
