Day 9: Packing Up Camp, Off to Another Adventure

Today is Amie and My 14th Anniversary! I love sharing the adventure of life together. I love you!

Today got off to a rough start. It rained lightly most of the night and didn't really present any issues until it was time for us to pack up. At that point the rain picked up considerably which made the packing of the tent and other supplies a challenge. 

After a rough start I was dreading the 12 hour drive ahead of us, but it was actually a pretty good day. My favorite part was listening as the boys played together for hours in the van. Through our may long drives I can see Jacob and Joel becoming even better friends. Sure they have times of conflict, but most of today was spent playing games and goofing around together. I love it!

There were some great view of mountains and dessert looking terrain as we traveled from Yellowstone to Reno, NV today. We are spending the night here in Reno and then heading into Yosemite National Park tomorrow morning. 

The family went out for an anniversary dinner at a buffet. I look forward to celebrating more with Amie later on in the trip. 

After a good dinner the boys crashed, exhausted from a good, long day. 
