Day 11: Exploring Yosemite

After yesterday we thought today was going to be a challenge just getting to Yosemite. The day before we learned that in order to get in to Yosemite we would have to drive 3 hours to an entrance further south. But during the night the fires had died down and moved further south, so they were able to open the entrance that was only 15 minutes from our campground. As we drove into Yosemite we could see and smell a lot of smoke and see the damage that had been done by the fire. Many of the view of the valleys were hindered by smoke. You can see what I mean in the pictures below. Also pictured are many of the other sights we saw in Yosemite today.
Jake had been waiting all trip to see the big trees and today was the day. 
Joel love climbing on rocks across a a stream and falling in.
