Investing in Your Kids (Part 3)

In part two I shared about investing your time in to your kids lives. But when we think about investing we usually think about investing money. How much time have you spent thinking about investing your money in your kids? Here is a list of what investing in your kids is not, followed by a list of ways to invest in your kids.
  • Not buying your kids whatever they want. Gifts are good. Always giving them everything is not good.
  • Not going into debt to... (you name it). Don't do it! It's easy to justify debt saying, it's for the kids. But they and you will pay for it in the long term.
  • Not giving hand outs, but teaching that hard work has its reward. 
Ways to use your money to invest in your kids:
  • Model good stewardship and good financial discipline. Your kids will learn a lot from the way that you earn, give, and spend money. Model hard work to earn your money. Model generosity. Model wise use of your money, good saving habits, and avoiding debt.
  • Invest in your child's spiritual growth. Ok, this is the youth pastor in me speaking, but I believe it with all my heart. Camps, Retreats, Life Groups, Youth Group events and Missions trip are worth far more than you pay for them. I have seen God change young lives time after time. A parents investment in things like these has a huge impact. 
  • Invest in family and individual time with your kids. Save money specifically for family time and vacations. Invest your money in regular and special one on one time with each of your children. Small investment huge pay off. 
Check out Part 1 & 2 of this post:
